Consent Form

We have opportunities around the world for smart, talented people looking to build a career.

Candidate Consent Form – RTR & NDA

This agreement is effective as of date mentioned below between KATUR SOLVE CORPORATION (herein referred to as KS Corp) and candidate undersigned below regarding possible placement on a job or performance of service at KS Corp client/vendor partner. KS Corp provides consulting and other services to its clients, for which, it locates, recruits and places Candidates. Candidate agrees to be on KS Corp payroll as W2 candidate if selected during the interview process. Candidate has submitted resume for consideration for contract by KS Corp. Candidate agrees that the supplied candidate to be represented by KS Corp and agrees to restrain to the following terms and conditions.


Candidate understands the nature of KS Corp business operations and that KS Corp has spent considerable time, effort and money building a relationship, support and contacts with KS Corp clients. In consideration for the expense, time, effort and services of KS Corp Candidate agrees not to directly or indirectly solicit or seek business opportunity for self or for any other Candidate from contacts associated with or referred to by same, with whom KS Corp arranges representation for Candidate Consultant, now or at any time during one year following the presentation of Candidate.


Candidate agrees to keep all trade secrets and/or proprietary information of KS Corp and it Clients in strict confidence and to take all necessary precautions against disclosure of such information to third parties. A trade secret is any information, process or idea that is not generally known in the industry, which KS Corp or its Clients consider confidential or which gives KS Corp or its Clients a competitive advantage. Examples of trade secrets include but are not limited to KS Corp client lists, computer program listings, source code and object code.

Candidate further agrees to treat as confidential to all third parties including KS Corp clients, all information about KS Corp business, other client names and nature of business or project, rates of salary to be paid to Candidate and any other information or relevant to performance services. Candidate also agrees that it will not attempt to obtain proprietary information through KS Corp or Client or other information relation to the business or relationship between KS Corp and Client.


Legal Work Status: Copy of legal work authorization/documentation is required. Candidate agrees to notify us immediately if legal or job status availability has changed.